2022 in Review!

2 years ago

What a year. A few 2022 highlights for me:

1. Volunteering with Human Appeal to serve Syrian refugee families in Lebanon. Thanks to many of your generous donations, we were able to raise over $15,000 for this incredible cause.
2. Walking the Arba’een pilgrimage in Iraq with over 20 million people. One of the greatest displays of human kindness and generosity on the planet.
3. Leading my first ever group trip to arguably my favorite country, Iraq.
4. Journeying solo through Bangladesh — some truly raw adventure travel.
5. Experiencing one of the world’s most unique festivals (Naadam) in Mongolia, one of the most beautiful countries on the planet.
6. Driving a motorbike across the island of Bali, Indonesia on a sponsored mission to test out a new smartphone.
7. Spending lots of time with great people in my favorite city, Istanbul.
8. Watching my dad fearlessly ride a camel at the pyramids in Egypt.
9. Going on a wild motorbike adventure with my mom through northern Vietnam.
10. Meeting so, so many incredibly kind, fun, generous, and truly good people all around the world — forever the best part of what I do.

Thank you to everyone who made 2022 such an incredible year — Here’s to making 2023 even better!
#travel #travelwithme #traveltheworld #solotravel #iraq #saudiarabia #lebanon #syria #mongolia #tunisia #egypt #bangladesh #vietnam #indonesia #bali

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