Band Assisted Straddle Planche Pushups

2 years ago

Loop a long-loop resistance band around a pullup bar above you. Climb through the band so that it is on your hip bones. The thicker the band is the more assistance it will give you. Place Dumbbells or parallettes near your hips. Keeping your legs out as wide as possible and flexed straight, perform a pushup trying to bring your head up and forward away from your hands. This is much harder than a regular pushup and will hit the shoulders and chest way more than a regular pushup. This will help develop the strength needed to eventually do a Planche, one of the most sought out feats of gymnastics strength. You will need to flex your entire body including the legs and low back in order to successfully perform these. Point your toes if you’re having trouble flexing your legs. The closer your legs are the harder it is as you become a longer lever, so building this with wide legs is the first step.

Trainer Tip: You may need to use more than 1 band to give you the assistance you need in order to complete these with proper form. Do not get discouraged these are EXTREMELY difficult for even the most athletic and strong people. It is highly specific and takes time no matter who you are.

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