All the false prophets, dead churches and church people will be cut down by Jesus

2 years ago

Churches have gotten rich and fat off of poor people and God sees it and hates it!! Dead churches will suffer God judgement and wrath and apostate churches of the devil will suffer the most, they cater to the sodomites, sex drag queens, abortion murderers, black kill murderers, support Ukraine, wear a mask, get a vaccine, they reject the Bible as hate speech and pray to the universe and allow sodomites to pray and perform in front of kids and it angers God, judgement will come for the false prophets and woke pastors and church people! They will all be left behind to go thru the 7 year tribulation and will have to decide between Jesus and be killed for not worshipping the antichrist or follow the antichrist and suffer God wrath being poured out on those who worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, there is no middle ground at all! The abused, homeless, widow's, those broken are just rejected by these fat rich churches and God will deal with the lukewarm phony church crowd and churches and will not be pretty, you say I am rich and lack nothing but in fact you are wretched, pitiful blind and naked!! Jesus hates the lukewarm phony church going crowd, it makes Him sick, one foot in church and the other foot in the world and lukewarm phony church people and pastors always try to hide they are a Christian, they blend in with the crowd so well and do not want anyone to know they go to church on Sunday then the bar on Monday, and act just like the world so they will not be made fun of, mocked or loose out on parties or friends at all, nope they will say no I don't go to church let's have fun, it angers Jesus a lot and He will cut down every tree that doesn't bear any foot on it, God is not playing anymore and He will punish the woke pastors, dead churches and church people and there will be no churches in the tribulation or revival, not in the antichrist new world order, he is the only one to be worshipped and will kill anyone who doesn't bow down to him and worship him and get his demonic vaccine mark of beast, no more churches, potlucks, missionaries bragging, huge pagan Christmas junk or Easter, all that is gone and churches are gone in the tribulation period, you will be in hiding because outside the new order police will be hunting anyone down who doesn't worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, they will kill you and will shoot your family in front of you and will not care at all, prison camps are set up for those who do not worship the antichrist!! The tribulation saints will suffer servere persercution in the tribulation period and many will be killed for their faith, it will happen and it will not be fun at all

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