Meet and greets! Tip on how to have a great one #prepardness #shortvideo #greatoutdoors #meetups

2 years ago

Planning a successful meet and greet is a great challenge sometimes. Whether you are planning a secret meeting in a secret locale or a public meeting in a public location planning and organisation is key. Picking a suitable location can mean the difference between success and failure sometimes. Picking a location that turns out to be too big for the crowd that comes can make the event or meet and greet feel like a failure, even though it wasn't.

We also need to match the people coming with what you want to accomplish. If your group has all the time in the world and wants an adventure plan accordingly. If they just want to be warm and have a nice chat and a good meal then plan for that.

Common Law demands of us that we exercise our Common Law rights. Go and do everyday what is lawful according to common law. Go and meet others with similar values or beliefs. Go for a walk along gated public lands. Claim what is yours already. Even a camping trip can be turned into a meet and greet.

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