Wayshower to a Guardian of Love

2 years ago

⦁ The initiation of mass consciousness into oneness of shared intention is the fundamental agreement of those who have come forth as Wayshowers in the work of re-establishing unity and oneness. This is accomplished without Judgment. Judgment brings fear, separation, and simulates mental centers of the parietal lobes, the amygdala, hippocampus and the reticular formation dream state response through the pons and brainstem survival reactions. The effect of fear is cause static throughout the limbic system making it impossible for emotion to integrate with the higher centers of the brain. Fear turns off the reception of higher light by creating a fog of discordant vibrations. This is a parietal dissonance which impedes the ability of the mind to receive higher frequency light which is refracted and enhanced by the Pineal, Pituitary through the lens of the Septum Pellucidum membrane and into the quantum mind field ---- NOT COMPLETE............ Within the unified field of being through vertical spatial strands of experiences the world opens doorways of dimensional content. The formation of hemisphere resonance operates with the ventricles holding pure water enhanced with etheric liquids of sacred essence. Of the mind’s primal architecture it is liquid electric and chemical in nature holding this beingness in vibratory frequency resonance.

⦁ GRXXVIA-Children of Light of the Seventh Day I

⦁ From this time forward the Wayshowers have come into their power and so they face the Dark Masters of the Black Alliance.

The Black Alliance sits upon the threshold of the dawn and are not willing to leave the power and walk away into the night. They have become emotional predators disconnected from the light. They live off of conflict, death, disease and despair. Give them compassion and ask that they would free themselves of their self-imposed exile. There are others that walk the Dark road away from the light. They hope to stay away from the light it brings change. In the change you are transformed and never will be able return to the lesser energy. There is resistance to the greater by those who have found comfort in the old ways, yet the old ways are no more and you are to go forward and never look back through the closing doorway.

As Wayshowers recede and face the Dark Masters and see change come upon them. On the threshold stand with the light and see the dark ones question their choice to stand against the wave of change. The Light will pass through them without care or thought of their resistance. It is the challenge of Wayshowers to be guides and guardians of lost souls. The Game is l ending now as time is ceasing. The walls are breaking away, the energy is fading and the obstacles are diminishing. There is peace in the hearts of the walkers on the path to the end of days. You have been cared for and watched by greater souls of your galaxy. They wish to give you the vision of life of future enduring happiness. It is all about your vision to see and know that you are the hope for the New Age.

It is through your faith in this vision that you create the world you are becoming. From the depth of past experience your heart grows in new purpose as Andromeda brings your galaxy into alignment. From the light of the Fifth Day bring forth the new dream. The Dreamtime of the children of the light awakens. Allow them to be that which you have promised, to inherit the power of the world. Be parents to the angels walking on the path of this new Light. Embolden and to raise your thoughts to higher frequencies. Look into the eyes of the young and know you are here to lead them to their authority. It is your duty, mission and the promise made to younger arriving souls to open the lighted pathway.

The Children of Light are here to receive the inheritance of the greater world and to breathe the dream of the new day, the Golden Age of the Seventh Light. The Seventh Light brings the great dream into realization and the children born upon this planet are the ones to activate the beginning. Let go, surrender, give up and flow with the feeling of happiness and bliss. There is peace in your heart at the sound of this for you can let go and be with the River of Heaven in the Seventh Light. Listen to the heart of hearts. Find again the sound and tone of the child within. The Christ within that speaks in the voice of the angel, the Goddess of the Light. You are brought into remembrance of the great light of the Seven Stars of the Pleiades. Sing forth to find the child within. Awaken the Children of the Dawn. They bring the Seventh Light into creation. Release to them the power. You are their Guardians. You have grown from being a Wayshower to a Guardian of Love and Light. You are anointed within the grand spectrum of the Central Sun.

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