The Whole Picture: The Original Four-Letter Word

2 years ago

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Bruce S. Bertram of The Word of God Ministries and speaks of whole Bible Christianity (living the whole of the Word, including the Law as an unequaled lifestyle and discipleship method) as being all about love. Among the many things given to their descendants by Adam and Eve was the first four-letter word. The word 'obey' quickly became a bitter epithet, used like a cuss word whenever God is talked about or even thought about. It is still in use today in all languages, and various forms of the word are getting more use than ever. One pastor recently told us we were “all about rules and regulations.” Apparently "obey" was among his four-letter words, as it has been for many people throughout the millennia. This was particularly evident when he told us we couldn’t attend his church.

Many people make a similar invective or cuss word when looking at God’s Law. But obey is to love as colors are to sunlight. God has always loved. He loved even when giving the Law. Law is all about love too. Just read the Word and you'll see.

God loved before the cross. Really, He did. Love has been associated with God since, well since forever. Genesis 24:27 mentions God's "steadfast love" to Abraham which is repeated in Exodus 34:6 by God when He passes before Moses on Mt. Sinai. Love is a key ingredient of the Law. Deuteronomy 6:5 is where God links loving Him with commands being "on your heart." In Deuteronomy 7:9 God says that He "keeps covenant" and "steadfast love with all those who love Him and keep His commandments." Obviously Law and love are intimately connected.

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