The Whole Picture: The New Covenant

2 years ago

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Bruce S. Bertram of The Word of God Ministries and shares in this video a whole Bible Christian view of the New Covenant. Most standard Christians do no know what it is or where it is in the Bible. This video not only biblically describes it but also discusses what it means in a walk with the Christ.

It really was a simple Law that Adam and Eve disobeyed. But the deceiver explained in his theology that of course God didn't really mean what He said. Eve bit on the reasoning and shared some with her husband. Ever since, God's Laws have been getting similar helpful explanation. In recent years especially the church has taken great pains to explain large portions into non-existence. Theology is used such as "Jesus fulfilled and eliminated much of the Law with His death;" that it's "shadows" or "He made everything clean;" that we don't have to obey if it's only "civil" or "ceremonial," and that "it's not a salvation issue." None of these (and others) line up with the plain meaning of His Word.

Through years of reading the Word, studying systematic theologies, going to many different types of churches and searching every type of book that promised to connect us to the truth of God's Word, we discovered whole Bible Christianity. Right there in the Bible. It was present the entire time; we just couldn't see it because of wrong teaching, tradition, and some of our own hard-headedness. It answers all the questions and restores the missing blessings. We think first century believers lived a whole Bible life, which is why they were so successful. Our book Whole Bible Christianity and these videos are a guide to reclaiming that spirit.

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