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Natural Disasters and Judgment... Purification of Earth and Humanity ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 55-2
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Natural Catastrophes and Earthquakes
54. Humanity: If all the efforts you have dedicated to prosecuting bloody wars had been dedicated to executing humanitarian works, your existence would be filled with the blessings of the Father, but men have used the riches they have accumulated to sow destruction, pain, and death.
55. This cannot be the true life, that which must be lead by those who are brothers, and the children of God. This form of life is not in accord with the Law I have written in your consciences.
56. To make you understand the error in which you live, volcanoes shall arise, fire shall surge from the earth to exterminate the evil seed. The winds shall be unleashed, the earth shall tremble, and the waters shall sweep over regions and nations.
57. In that way the elements will show their resentment of man; they have broken with him because man has been destroying one by one the bonds of friendship and brotherhood that tie him to the Nature that surrounds him. (164, 40 – 42)
58. Many calamities wilt come upon mankind; within Nature there will be disturbances, the elements will be unleashed. Fire will devastate regions, the waters of the rivers will leave their course, the seas will undergo changes.
59. There will be regions which will be buried under the waters, and new lands will appear. Many creatures will lose their lives, and even those beings inferior to man will perish. (11, 77)
60. The elements await only the hour to unleash themselves upon the world to cleanse and purify the earth. The more sinful and proud a nation, the harsher shall be My judgment of it.
61. The heart of this humanity is hard and deaf. It will be necessary for the cup of bitterness to reach it before it will be able to hear the voice of conscience, the voice of the law, and Divine justice; all will be for the salvation and eternal life of the spirits, which are whom I seek. (138, 78 – 79)
62. That flood that cleansed the earth of the human impurities, and the fire that descended upon Sodom you know them as legends; however, in this Era you will also contemplate how humanity will be touched as the earth trembles by the force of the air, the water and the fire; however, I shall again send you an arc, which is My Law, so that those who penetrate in it may be saved.
63. Not all of those who on that hour of trial will say: Father, Father!” will love me, but rather those who always practice My love for their fellowman, those shall be saved. (57, 61 – 62)
64. A new flood will become unleashed that will cleanse the earth of human perversity. It will topple the false gods from their altars, destroy stone by stone the foundation of arrogance and iniquity and will erase every false doctrine and every absurd philosophy.
65. Yet this new deluge shall not be, as was that of the earlier era, of water, for now the hand of man has loosed all the elements, both seen and unseen, against himself. He dictates his own sentence, He punishes himself, and He does justice. (65, 31)
66. The elements shall cry out for justice, and upon unleashing themselves they will cause portions of the earth to disappear, becoming seas, and seas to vanish where land arises.
67. Volcanoes will erupt to announce the time of judgment, and all Nature will be agitated and moved.
68. Pray, so that you will know how to conduct yourselves as good disciples, because that will be the precise time in which the Spiritual Trinitarian Marian Doctrine shall be spread within the hearts. (60, 40 – 41)
69. Three – quarters of the surface of the earth shall disappear, and one quarter only shall remain as a refuge for those that survive the chaos. You shall see the fulfillment of many prophecies. (238, 24)
70. Do not be confused, because before the closing of the Sixth Seal, great things shall happen, the heavenly bodies shall show great signs, the nations of the earth shall lament, and of this planet three quarters shall disappear and one quarter only will remain in which the seed of the Holy Spirit shall grow as new life.
71. Humanity will begin a new existence united by one single doctrine, one single language, and one single bond of peace and brotherhood. (250, 53)
72. I speak to you of the pain to which you have made yourself creditors, which you have been accumulating and which shall overflow when the hour comes.
73. I would never offer such a cup to My children, but in My justice I can allow you to gather the fruit of your evil, your arrogance, and your senselessness, so that you may turn repenting, again to Me.
74. Men have defied My power and My justice by profaning with their science the temple of Nature, in which all is harmony, and their judgment shall be inexorable.
75. The elements shall be unleashed, the Cosmos shall move, and the earth tremble. Then there will be horror amongst men, and they will want to flee, but there will be nowhere to go; they will wish to restrain the unchained forces, but will not be able, for they will feel responsible, and repenting too late for their recklessness and imprudence, they shall seek death to escape the punishment. (238, 15 – 17)
76. Oh, how much suffering would be avoided if men knew their gifts! But they have preferred to remain blind or sleeping while they allow the times of great pain to come ever closer.
77. My doctrine comes to enlighten you so that you may free yourselves of the great suffering announced for humanity through the prophets of past eras.
78. It is in the elevation of your lives that you can find the power or virtue to save yourselves from the actions of the unchained elements, for it is not the weapons of faith and prayer alone that will give you victory over the vicissitudes and adversities of life: that faith and prayer must be accompanied by a life that is virtuous, clean, and good. (280, 14 – 15 and 17)
79. Soon a time shall begin in which there will be great happenings for the world. The earth will tremble and the sun shall cause glowing rays to burn its surface. The continents, from one end to another, shall be touched by the pain, every corner of the earth will suffer the purification, and no creature shall escape the hardship and atonement.
80. After this great chaos, the nations will recover calmness, and the elements will quiet. After the storMy night of the world, the rainbow of peace shall appear, all will return to their laws, their order, and their harmony.
81. Again you will see the clean skies, and the fertile fields, the waters in their currents shall regain their purity, and the sea shall be gentle; there shall be fruit on the trees, flowers on the prairies, and abundant harvests. And man, purified and healthy, shall return to feeling worthy, and will find prepared the road of his ascension and return to Me.
82. All beings shall be cleaned and free of stain from their very beginning, so that they may be worthy of possessing the new time that approaches, for I must found the new humanity on firm ground. (351, 66 – 69)
Loving Justice and the Mercy of God
83. The time approaches when the full weight of justice shall be felt in the world. All works, words, and thoughts shall be judged. All, from the great of the earth who govern its peoples, to the smallest and least known shall be weighed on the Divine balance.
84. But do not confuse justice with vengeance, nor restitution with punishment, for I merely permit you to gather and eat the fruits you have sown, so that you know by their taste and effect if they are healthful or harmful, and if you have sown badly or well.
85. The innocent blood spilled by human evil, the weeping and mourning of widows and orphans, the pariah who suffers hunger and misery, all cry out for justice; and My justice, perfect and loving, but inexorable, descends upon all. (239, 21 – 23)
86. My justice will go over every creature and touch every human being like that time when the angel of the Lord passed over Egypt giving fulfillment to My justice, and being saved from it only those who had marked their doors with the blood of the Lamb.
87. Verily I say to you that everyone shall be saved who during this period is vigilant and has faith in the word and in the promises of the Savior, the Divine Lamb who was sacrificed to teach you to pray and fulfill the mission of your restitution with perfect love, because My blood, like a mantle of love, will protect him; but He who is not watchful, He who does not believe or blasphemes, shall be touched so that He will awaken from his lethargy. (76, 6 – 7)
88. I will allow men to feel My Divine presence as they cry out: “Our Father, our Savior, come help us because we are perishing.” I will manifest My infinite mercy and will prove once again My love for man. (294, 40)
89. The routine of your life shall be battered soon by the harsh winds, but the light of a star on the infinite whose glimmering gives peace, light, and the calm that the incarnate spirit needs to contemplate the eternal, shall thereafter shine. (87, 52)
The Results of Judgment
90. And when it appears that all has ended for man, that it is death which has won, or evil that has triumphed, from out of the darkness will come the beings to the light; from death they will be revived into the true life, and out of the abyss of evil they shall rise up to practice the eternal Law of God.
91. Not all shall know the abyss, for just as some have tried to remain apart from the war of passions, ambitions, and hatred, and have lived outside of the New Sodom; others, who have sinned much, will yet know to stop in time, and by their opportune repentance and complete regeneration avoid many tears and much pain. (174, 53 – 54)
92. Of all the moral and material structure of this humanity, “there shall not be left here one stone upon another,” because for the “new man” to appear on this earth, it is necessary to erase all stain, to destroy all sin, and to leave only that which is of good seed.
93. The splendor of My presence and My justice shall be contemplated all over the globe, and before that light idols will fall, traditional routines will be forgotten, and sterile rites will be abandoned.
94. One single door will remain open for the salvation of men; that of spirituality, and He who wishes to save himself will have to leave behind his pride, his false greatness, his low passions, and his selfishness.
95. Very bitter shall be the cup from which men must drink in the great battle, and yet, I tell you, happy shall be those who drink from that cup and depart from earth already purified, for when they return in other bodies to this world, their message will be one of light, peace, and wisdom. (289, 60 – 61)
96. The last whirlwinds, and the last battles, with their quotas of bitterness, are yet to come. It is necessary yet for all the forces to agitate, and the atoms to spin in chaos so that afterward, there can come the lethargy, the fatigue, the sadness, and the weariness that seem like death.
97. And that will be the hour when in the sublimity of the conscience, the vibrating echo of a trumpet will be heard, announcing from the Beyond, that the Kingdom of Life and Peace comes to the men of good will.
98. And before the voice of that trumpet, the dead [in spirit] will rise weeping tears of repentance, and the Father shall receive them like prodigal sons worn out from the long journey and fatigued from the great struggle, and seal their spirits, bestowing upon them the kiss of love.
99. From that day forward, man shall abhor war, tear hatred and rancor from his heart, persecute sin, and begin a life of restoration and reconstruction. Many will feel inspired by a light they did not previously behold, and they will rise up to create a world of peace.
100. It shall be only the beginning of the time of grace, the Era of Peace.
101. The Stone Age is long past, the time of Science will also pass, and then the Era of the Spirit shall flower among men.
102. The source of life will reveal great Mysteries, so that men can construct a world strong in the science of good, in justice, and in love.
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