CANADA, ABBOTSFORD BC: Covid-19 Vaccine Victim Courtney Styba

2 years ago

“My legs ache constantly and feel very weak. I am dizzy, lightheaded, and get overstimulated very easily, this leads to me feeling tired very easily, but unable to sleep because of insomnia, and leg pain. I feel lots of pressure in my head and my vision is still quite blurry. I’m having neurological problems such as focusing, slow to understand, feeling like I’m having brain zaps, tingling, and numbness in my legs, etc.

I got my Pfizer dose 2 in January on the 22nd. I immediately felt dizzy lightheaded and just generally "off". I got sent home from work and the next day was feeling better. I then started struggling with my memory, confusion and a delirium which left me completely confused, lost, disorientated where I was.”

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