Roofing Marketing Solution: KISS (Keep-It-Simple-Stupid)

2 years ago

What should the profile photo for your business page look like?

When you think about it, your profile photo is such a small image, yet when you're using your business page to post daily, there's a group in your online community that's seeing that small image over, & over, & over again.

Rather than having the profile photo for your business page be a photo of your face, or something hard to see... why not have your businesses logo there?? If people are going to see it over & over again, wouldn't you rather they familiarize themselves with your brand rather than your face?

Now a couple of things I want to say here:

• Having a simplified version of your logo works better than a complex version -strictly due to the size of your profile photo & readability

• Have your number on your profile photo -EVERY TIME your logo is shown, there should ALWAYS be mention of how a potential customer can get ahold of you

• Have the cover photo on your business page as a place to showcase "who" your brand really is (company culture, a complex project, team photo, etc.), rather than your profile pic

Here's a quick 5 min video on how your business page should look! Just follow these quick steps & you'll be on your way to getting more recognition & business from your Facebook business page! & as always, If you’re ready to add a marketing professional to your team – shoot me a DM!


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