Justin Brierly- Is Christianity Unbelievable?

2 years ago

For about 12 years now, I have been tuning in every Saturday morning to listen to the Unbelievable? Podcast to hear a Christian and non-Christian engage on a key issue of theological, philosophical and/or scientific/historical debate. The host of that show is none other than Justin Brierly and as a fan of his, I invited Justin on to get his take on various issues that our relevant in sharing the Gospel with people in today’s modern world.

Topics included; i) Justin’s faith journey and ministry on Unbelievable? And his other projects, ii) The “Rules of Engagement” with unbelieving Skeptics, iii) Discussion on the Evidences for the Existence of God and the truth of Christianity and finally iv) Justin’s take on the Christian doctrines of the role of women in the Bible and Hell/Annihilationism.

RSM Blog = https://realseekerministries.wordpress.com/2020/04/08/justin-brierly-is-christianity-unbelievable/

YouTube Video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0RsqmMrToc

Audio Only Link = https://anchor.fm/real-seeker-ministries/episodes/Justin-Brierly–Is-Christianity-Unbelievable-eci1ck

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