Friends Buy ~90-Acre NURSERY & Turn into HOMESTEAD: 4 YRS in 10 MINS— Ep. 145

2 years ago

It’s nice to start the new year off with reflection and a plan.

Four years ago, we came together as a group of friends to discuss partnering on purchasing some land together—a sort of communal homestead that we would be able to co-work, co-live, and co-create on. At the time, all of us were living in New York City—but we were all originally from the country or a small town and knew we would eventually settle in a small community again where we could commune with nature more.

Two years of what would eventually become nail-biting searching ensued (2018 - 2020), and then towards the tail end of that two year process, we were fortunate enough to find a beautiful piece of earth, which had been a plant nursery for 30 years prior.

This is our story of how we came together and what we’ve been able to accomplish within those two years of time on the land. And a little of what we’re looking forward to in the New Year.

May 2023 bless you with joy, friendship, and journey…

Thank you for watching.


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