2022 Wrap-up: Processes and trends of interest for the left part 1, with Youri Smouter

2 years ago

“On the Barricades” s06e11

Comrades, friends and supporters, this weekend we have a three-part release of “On the Barricades” with host Boyan Stanislavski and our repeat-guest and friend of the show, Youri Smouter of 1+1. Boyan and Youri are doing a wrap-up and reflection on what they view as important trends and processes for the Left in relation to world events of 2022. To paraphrase the philosopher Spinoza, our task is neither to weep, nor to laugh, nor to hate, but understand the processes and actions of historical and political significance that are unfolding around us. We at The Barricade have strived to bring balanced analysis and commentary from a leftist, Eastern-European perspective without getting swept away by liberal hysteria, war-mongering, idealist identity politics, cancel culture, or outright a-historical craze that sweeps the public discourse. We are enthused to continue this project into the new year, staying the course and opening a space for genuine political discussion on the left at a time when it seems media consumers are being prepared, by the powers that be, for ongoing war and confusion, buried under narratives and propaganda more than ever.

In this first of three segments, Boyan and Youri discuss:
5:56 The lack of peace movement in Europe
9:30 The Polish peace movement, zealous copies of the US political organizing model. Denial and the lack of political dialogue on the basis of anything but emotional hype.
19:30 Are we too soft on Russia? What is the meaning of this question?
23:00 Cancel culture vs honest intellectual conversation
27:40 How much Kremlin insider info has reached the public domain? Boyan comments on whether Putin made a mistake in the decision to invade Ukraine.

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