Shrimp Squat Progressions

2 years ago

Stand near a dumbbell rack or anything that you can hold onto for assistance. Place stacked yoga blocks or bumper plates behind where your front foot will be. The higher the height, the easier the exercise will be. Start standing with one hamstring flexed (knee bent). Squat down leaning all the weight onto the front leg trying to bring your abs to your thighs. Keep the other heel tight to your butt and rest the knee on the blocks a few inches behind your front heel. Your front heel should NOT come off the ground. Using a slight assist if need be, push through the front foot until you return to the standing position with the leg locked out. After a set or two, you should be able to lower the height. If not, continue at the same height until you have the foundation to go lower. You can also gauge progress by not needing to use the arms to help you at a specific height.

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