Harald Kautz-Vella: Smart Dust, That Other Black Goo [Part 2/3] (2015)

2 years ago

Source: https://youtu.be/vVmhJ8y63pU

The Bases Project - There are 2 forms of Black Goo, one made by the earth, and another that was landed here by intention, in a a meteor swarm, 80,000 years ago. Both are sentient and are designed to create life from the materials on the planet. In simple terms, its a “seed” device. The intelligence that seeded the off world goo, is creating life that is bypassing the natural order, and bringing lifeforms to a higher level of order than they should naturally be. In this case BIG spiders. Use of Scalar Physics is discussed, so you will have to pay attention. This is about an extraterrestrial, dimensional Predator species that is silently assimilating humanity, and all life on earth.

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