Ep 65: World Homeopathy Awareness week - Mothers share their success stories Part 1

2 years ago


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Welcome to day 3 of World Homeopathy Awareness week- where we’ll be releasing a new episode every day from 10-16 April to celebrate the birthday  of the founder of Homeopathy – Samuel Hahnemann – who was born on 10 April 1755. Today is the first of our series of 5 episodes, where you’ll hear from Mothers – and a couple of children – who use Homeopathy
Today you’ll hear from one of my lovely Assistants Amy – she has taken to Homeopathy like a duck to water and not only has she achieved wonderful results at home herself, but she’s helped so many other Mothers in their homeopathic journey. You’ll also hear from Beau – another empowered homeopathic Mumma who is also a midwife and has now gone on to study Homeopathy herself at Switch on Health – the only college in Australia where you cn study Homeopathy. You can find out more about them in episode 35 of this podcast. Watch this space
You’ll also hear from another Amy – a gorgeous and talented musical Mama I’ve been working with for a couple of years. Then you’ll hear from the lovely Lulu who is just one of the loveliest and kindest people you’ll ever meet. You’ll also hear from my bestie, Joanna. We actually did an awesome podcast episode together when I first started my podcast and she was sharing how in Switzerland, where she comes from, Homeopathy is available in all the pharmacies and prescribed by most of the medical doctors there. Unfortunately, the audio for that podcast wasn’t great and we never ended up using it, so I’m so glad Joanna was able to do a quick voice recording for me to add this to our Homeopathy Awareness week special.
Lucky last is the fabulous Lainey, who has not only used homoepathy successfully with her family, but also for their gorgeous doggy who is she has spent so much love and care in helping.

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