Dr Kevin MacDonald - A People That Shall Dwell Alone 1994 (3 of 3)

2 years ago

I originally downloaded these files from NeoGenesis.tv, (which now seems to be down), quite a while back. Not all of the files had been uploaded. I uploaded the previous 2 files prior to finishing listening to the audio book. Here is the 3rd part with a few edits. I have also deleted some of the gaps, since Alex occasionally has some long gaps of silence.

Dr Kevin MacDonald carries out an excellent analysis of how the jewish tribe works, and in particular showing that this tribe of satanic pussies, is in fact a race, under the guise of a religion. Know thy enemy.
Dr Kevin MacDonald http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/books.htm
Full title:- A People That Shall Dwell Alone. Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora People. 1994.

pdf https://archive.org/details/kevinmacdonaldapeoplethatshalldwellalone_202002
MP3 at my archive channel https://archive.org/details/@vasili1 & mega
Alex Linder https://vnnforum.com/video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=14 & https://www.alexlinder.com/

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Fertility control of jews
23 jews don't fight
29 jews must respect their parents, and have affection towards them
35 jewish mental health problems
56 television is forbidden so that the jew isn't exposed to the influence of TV.
66 jews brainwashed in relation to Israel
71 jews have a permanent sense of imminent threat
74 summary of group strategy (how Rothschild controls all other jews)
113.20 Sigmund Fraud Freud was strongly jewish
Sigmund Freud was raped by his father https://ritualabuse.wordpress.com/tag/freud-may-have-molested-by-his-father/

116 chapter 8
131 Samaritans are related to jews
135 history of jewish revolts
149 everlasting hatred towards non-jews
150 mainstream Judaism development- separated from other Israelites, they supported the jewish Macabee revolt against Greeks
162 jews in Greece
Jews in Rome
169 jewish incest
173 Christianity is anti-white because it doesn't recognise blood (Alex)
Monogamy vs polygamy
185 major jewish population growths
Ancient greco-roman
Pre expulsion Spain
Early modern eastern Europe
Jewish crimes during Biblical times
240 similarities between Spartans and jews
275 removal of jews was important to allow for the formation of the middle class
Book of Ester was written to stooge non-jews

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