Home Depot 36 Inch Trencher Rental Ditch Witch DIY in 4D REVIEW Part1

2 years ago

Home Depot 36 Inch Trencher Rental Ditch Witch DIY in 4D REVIEW

Cliff Note Version:

It is worth every penny
Make sure you have yourself set up for success
1 day project is more than likely 2-3 days, depends on your shape
how you can handle the load and then add 1-2 days to that.
Your SOIL condition- Soft or hard? rocky or smooth
Your slope- Always try to work downhill
Mark your lines, spray can bright color is the way to go
Check for what is below the surface- If you do not know ask for help
-irrigation (12")
-electric (24-36")
-drain lines
-natural gas lines
-Septic (36-48")

*all of these could be below the surface and all can ruin the day.
*really inspect the walk thru

Once you are confident, then go get your rental, get there early and be
ready to move quickly

Having someone else there will SAVE you a lot. Cannot stress this one enough

The machine will BUCKLE and also shut down a lot- by design
On our soil, this happened about every 2-3 feet

In rocky soil, this will happen all the time. You will not get to desired depth

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