Plant Sources of Vitamin B-12 Revealed - Part 1

2 years ago

In this episode we start to look at a fact sheet provided for health professionals to help others with the understanding of where vitamin B12 and how there is zero information on where it comes from in the fruits, vegetables and just the plant world all together. 

There is also no mentioning about how it is created from the soil due to bacteria such as healthy E-coli.

B-12 comes from soil and the bacteria that helps create it, then the plants absorb it. 

From here the herbivores and other animals feed off of the plants to get there be 12.

After that they are hunted down by predators which we then eventually kill in order to get the only well known B12 sources.

Also we find out that the main source it should come from that we are lead to believe is pills. This is because majority of the population worldwide has destroyed their stomach Lining making it impossible to absorb and create B12 in their stomach.

So it is now provided in a free form to skip the whole process.

B12 comes from the ground and we should be skipping the middle man and going straight for the source.

Consuming meat can come with consequences that nobody really realizes. When you eat from the Earth the consequences are far less if not none at all and gives you all the same quality but better results.

I also go through on how I cured my life and health problems with the food I eat.

Which is called the additive free diet. I consume only vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes. For drinks I consume water. Mainly distilled water but I do add my minerals to the water for instance citrus fruit, Or fresh dehydrated roots for teas. 

I also only cook with distilled water as it is purified with no minerals or chemicals within the water.

I lost 90 pounds of weight in the 1st 3 weeks of my diet, Not consuming any meat, dairy, bread, pasta, candy, treats of any kinds or anything with an ingredients list on it.

I am also alcohol free, drug free, cigarette free pretty much completely cleansed my body.

Creating my additive free diet.

The results are phenomenal. I hope you enjoy the show thank you for tuning in and please like, share, and subscribe.

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