This Week in Tyranny - Episode 4

2 years ago

A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice. You can find this episode along with all others at The Freedom Current
If tyranny is not at your doorstep, it's because there is someone in the street keeping it at bay.

Illinois’ “No Cash Bail” policy takes effect, “Secure 2.0” becomes law, and Taiwan is used to fuel talk of war with China. As 2022 ends, This Year in Tyranny is summarized. As climate idealists ban the sale of gas-powered cars, the reality is war, inflation, higher prices and more shortages. 2023 will bring more fear and stress, but the Courageous prepare for rebellion against the tyrants.

This Week in Tyranny:
Illinois’ “No Cash Bail” policy takes effect, while many low-level offenders will hit the streets, the precedent is set for political enemies to be detained indefinitely. Eliminating the option to pay a cash amount for your freedom puts the people in a very dangerous predicament. Instead of a bond hearing, where the judge sets a price tag on the freedom of all but the most dangerous criminals, pretrial hearings will now consist of prosecutors making the case for pretrial detention. As society moves toward a police state with more censorship. It will be quite easy to claim someone is a “domestic terrorist” or a “danger to society” if they hold anti-government views, disagree with a medical narrative, or question the outcome of an election. The government will make up for the cash bail money on the back end, as ankle bracelets will prove cheaper than housing and feeding low-level criminals. The only thing that governments value more than money- is control. “No Cash Bail” will undoubtedly create more room in the Cook County Jail, the question is: room for who?

“Secure 2.0” becomes law, requiring employers to deduct employee money for retirement programs. Within the 4,000 pages of the recently signed $1.7 trillion budget bill, included is a law that will take more money out of the people’s paychecks. That money will be held in trust by the government, and placed into retirement plans like 401k and 401b. The reason for the creation of such a program is that people have less and less money to save for their retirement. With cruel irony, the answer we are given to this problem is for the government to reallocate even more of our money.

Talk of war with China increases. The Biden administration has approved a potential $180 million arms sale to Taiwan. Since tensions between China and Taiwan have been high, such a move by the United States reeks of similarity to some of the foreign policy leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Taiwan, like Ukraine, is used by the West as a satellite, outpost, and proxy to engage the socialist old-world superpowers of Russia and China. The manufactured conflict between the East and West allows for both eastern and western governments to move toward totalitarian control. And as mentioned in Episode 3, more war means more taxes.

This Year in Tyranny:
More stress, more fear.

Hosted by Konrad Rogoz

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