MR. NON-PC - Admit It...You Got Played By The CovidCult!

2 years ago

This one goes out to all the "Masktards" and "PC-Peepz" and fools and tools who still wanna try to justify the Plandemic or as I like to refer to it as the COVIDCULT!!!

Ok's time to admit it.....YOU GOT PLAYED BY THE COVIDCULT!!!!!

But why won't some admit they got played? Maybe they were nasty to everyone who didn't wanna take the toxic waste shots? Maybe they "Trusted the Science" and the same science that says a biological man is now a woman...what a joke!! Or maybe they won't admit they got played because they were grifters making lots of money off peoples misery and just "following orders" and being whores for the money!

Now if you're like me...MR. NON-PC, then you've been shouting your lungs out for almost 3 years about this giant sham, but sadly the majority won't even talk about how devastating the entire thing was!

If you're still wearing your mask over 1,000 days later let me tell you that the CovidCult was a scam and you got played!!!

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