Ep 43 - Essentials for Thriving-Reducing Toxins-Part 2 of 5-Health Coach Karin Del Maestro

2 years ago

From Karin Del Maestro, Integrative Nutrition/Health Coach:

Did you know that the air in your home is up to 500 times more toxic than the air outside?

And yet, we are rarely told by our doctors that this EASY action of reducing toxins in our homes can have a HUGE impact on our health, including, yes…our breast health!

This, for me, is one of the easiest shifts we can make…after all, we are all buying products already to:
• Clean our homes
• Do laundry
• Wash our faces and hair
• Make-up
• Brush our teeth
• Store our food

So wouldn’t it make sense that if we are buying something anyway, why not make a safer choice, that could help boost your energy, minimize side-effects from medications and lower your risk of recurrence?

But it can feel overwhelming and knowing where to even start … can feel like a lot!

In this episode, I’ll be sharing:

1. The impact that these toxins can have on your health
2. Where to find these harmful chemicals
3. PLUS, the best next step to begin making the shift to safer…effortlessly!!!

Shared with love by Jan James, Hope After Breast Cancer

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Do you wish there was an affordable solution to rising healthcare costs? There IS! Greg and I use Christian Healthcare Ministries, a non-profit health cost sharing ministry, not insurance. Christian Healthcare Ministries members have shared billions of dollars for medical bills while also keeping participation costs low for over 40 YEARS. Find out more here (https://www.hopeafterbreastcancer.com/chm)

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