Episode 98 Aliens, Big Foot, Ghosts OH MY!

2 years ago

In this episode we break from “serious” conspiracy and we talk about ones we’ve talked about for years!

Aliens, Big Foot & Ghosts have been around for as long as we can remember.

Magical creatures like the ohgopogo that resides in the Okanagan Lake and celebrity creatures like Big Foot have been spoken about as long as we have been alive! And most things are just legends right?! But are they??

Let’s just play around for one episode ok? I mean… majority of Canadians believe in Trudeau so likeeeee give us ghosts ok?

In all seriousness, most of this stuff can be written up to fun stories you tell your kids so they don’t run off into the bushes at night HOWEVER as per usual, your babes have questions!

Likeeeeee why do we need an Area 51 and why can’t we see it if there ain’t anything weird there?? Why is there a effin gift shop that sells alien socks right outside? How do we keep getting told there is aliens and then JK no it’s another war… focus over here.


So join us on this fun conspiracy episode where we share all our fun ghost and alien stories along with other magical creatures we’ve talked about over the years!

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