DOGs 3-on-1 | Australian Male Shepherd vs. 3 Dogs | Watch till End for Tap Out | Dog D.I.Y in 4D

2 years ago

DOGs 3-on-1 Fun Play | Australian Male Shepherd vs. 3 Dogs | Watch till End for Tap Out | Dog D.I.Y in 4D

in this clip of Dog D.I.Y in 4D, the morning routine will include the German Shepherd female, with the female Australian shepherd (Males sister) and Mini pincher/chihuahua mix in exchanging fun rough play. Sometimes it is a pile up and sound and voice command is necessary to BREAK it up and move on...


Motto: Know before you GO and if you DON'T Know you will PAY to Know

D.I.Y in 4D is always trying to improve and looking for the unseen is hopefully
going to save you TIME, the most precious resource and in the end
money and material resources.

HOPE this helped, take care, be safe and Blessing & PEACE

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