Ch. 3 - The Cult of Modern Medicine - The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Series

2 years ago
29.4K (833) 445-9089
Hi its Josh with Dream Body Clinic. Today, I wanted to talk about an issue that I have seen in modern medicine, which is that it has become more about "sick care" rather than healthcare. Instead of treating the root cause of a person's problems, doctors often just prescribe pills or recommend surgeries that only treat the symptoms.

I have seen firsthand how this can be harmful to patients, especially when they are not given all of the options or informed about alternatives. For example, I have had many patients come to me after being told they needed a knee replacement based on an x-ray, but an x-ray does not show the soft tissue in the knee and cannot accurately determine if surgery is necessary. Instead of doing an MRI or asking about the patient's diet and physical activity, some surgeons will push for surgery without considering other options.

At Dream Body Clinic, our goal is to get to the root cause of a person's issues and address them using regenerative medicine, such as stem cell therapies. We also offer hormone therapies, like human growth hormone and testosterone replacement therapy, which have been shown to have numerous benefits including weight loss, muscle retention, and improved healing. Unfortunately, these therapies are often lumped in with steroids, which they have nothing to do with. Human growth hormone is a 191 chain polypeptide amino acid that is produced naturally in the pituitary gland, and it has been extensively studied by the military for use in soldiers.

It is important for people to be aware of the issues in modern medicine and to consider all of their options before making any decisions about their health. At Dream Body Clinic, we strive to provide patients with the best care possible and to help them reach their goals without resorting to unnecessary surgeries or medications. Thank you for watching, and stay tuned for more videos in our Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapies series.
the cult of modern medicine, stem cell, stem cells, stem cell therapy, stem cell treatment, mexico stem cells, regenerative medicine, dream body clinic

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