YouTube Marked This As For Kids Once

2 years ago

YouTube treats it's everyday users worse than Rob Gronkowski treats his fellow football players or a lolicon treats their teen crush, and Elon Musk wouldn't treat his shareholders the way YouTube treats most of it's users. Some music artists are allowed to show lady tits age-gate free.

One of the videos linked below is age-restricted for foul language, hint: it's not the Panty and Stocking Anime video (as of this writing) which drops 200+ F Bombs in quick succession. Instead some guy made a video involivng Mega Man, swore for 6 seconds and was restricted, when appealed it was restricted again citing sexual content and unless a YouTube moderator planted hentai just to flag it, is a bald faced lie.

They have long renounced the Neutral Platform and Good Faith stances of Sec 230 on a altar of political bias, and possibly opened themselves up to the possibility of discrimination lawsuits and the censorship enabled by parts of sec 230 could be challenged by constitutionalist lawyers.

Some relevant legal info useful against Big Tech companies. It will take lawsuits and legal action to force reforms.

1: Wrongful Termination/breach of contract: in cases of people being terminated without a strike or the ability to appeal the violative content or even know what the violative content is this is applicable

2: Discrimination: For cases of people being censored and discriminated against based on various status, which is against California law. Since this can involve channel removal or age-restriction with disabled embeds (it mentions in YT's own guidelines that most would be disabled CLEARLY implying there is a group that has them enabled, video game trailers such as those for the Call of Duty games for example can be age gated and playable in embeds) this alone grants a stronger legal argument than Prager U's legal argument over a optional filter.

3: Bad Faith: For cases when the censorship is in bad faith, Against Sec 230 mandated good faith, good faith DOES NOT cover up blatant abuse and in fact EXCLUDES this. A example of bad faith is when a appeal is never looked at nor acted upon or handed over to a bot who instantly disapproves it within minutes/seconds of the appeal being filed, in these cases bad faith could be claimed.

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