D4CE 5th Symposium: Criminal Complaint against SWISSMEDIC

1 year ago

Philipp Kruse has been practicing law in Switzerland since 1997. He and his team have filed 22 ordinary court proceedings against all COVID-related mandates since December 2020. In July 2022, they filed a criminal complaint against SWISSMEDIC, the Swiss regulatory authority on drugs and vaccines.
In this video, Philipp Kruse explains the substance and the legal strategy of this criminal complaint against SWISSMEDIC. He describes, by way of example, the adverse effects suffered by a former professional soccer player after she was injected with an mRNA vaccine (5:30). Kruse argues that the disinformation dispensed by the SWISSMEDIC, together with political and social pressures, push healthy people into a dangerous medical experiment, which leads to long-term health damage. At the same time, doctors and the public deny entirely the adverse effects caused by the vaccines and fail to help people suffering from them, which causes further physical and emotional harm to these victims.
Mr. Kruse gives his reasons for filing this lawsuit against SWISSMEDIC instead of Pfizer (8:10). SWISSMEDIC has severely and repeatedly violated its essential legal duties and due diligence. He lists the three core allegations in detail (14:10):
Unlawful "temporary approval."
Deception of the population
Inadequate market surveillance
He also presents the timeline of the misdemeanors and violations committed by SWISSMEDIC, showing that the agency continued to extend the authorizations despite the growing warning signals and accumulating evidence of adverse effects (15:40).
At the end of his presentation, Mr. Kruse summarizes what he and his team will do next and provides general guidance on applying his work to various jurisdictions. For further information on this important lawsuit, please visit https://corona-complaint.ch.

This video is part of Doctors for COVID Ethics 5th Symposium: IN THE MIDST OF DARKNESS LIGHT PREVAILS. For more information about the symposium, please visit

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