Never do it in weight loss. 2

2 years ago

The healthy way to lose weight without unnecessary exhausting diets:
The best for healthy life 😊

The most common mistakes in weight loss:
2. Lack of physical activity.

Physical activity allows you to practically preserve muscle mass, and, accordingly, energy consumption at rest (basic metabolism).
Physical activity increases the daily energy consumption by a significant amount, allowing you to increase the energy deficit (hence the rate of weight loss) without reducing the amount of food.
Physical activity does not allow the muscles to weaken in the process of losing weight.
The combination of proper nutrition and effective regular workouts can speed up the process of losing weight of the whole body, as this will provide the necessary calorie deficit.
To lose weight, you do not need to torment yourself, choose those activities that do not cause discomfort and bring pleasure.

Author of photo 1 from Pexels: Annushka Ahuja:

Image 2 from <a href="">Freepik</a>

Author of photo 3 from Pexels: Karolina Grabowska:

Image 4 from <a href="">Изображение от jcomp</a> на Freepik

Music: Dreamland - Aakash Gandhi

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