This Woman Hates MGTOW? (Wingmam)

2 years ago

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- Red Pill Ring

3 SHOCKING Reasons Why MOST MEN Think They Should STAY SINGLE | WRONG!

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation Roger. He didn't give me a topic so what I wanted to do is cover a video that one of my viewers sent called: "3 SHOCKING Reasons Why MOST MEN Think They Should STAY SINGLE | WRONG!" The woman making it has a channel called Wingmam and she says she's your Wingmam. Helping you get and keep the girl of your dreams. More likely a nightmare and she's helping you get and keep the girl of your screams. The video is full of shaming language saying that if you're single as a man it's all your fault and not women's fault or the fault of feminism for socializing women to be the laziest and more narcissistic generation of all time. The first reason men think they should stay single according to her is cognitive bias. That we single men only process negative information when we meet a woman and don't see the good. That is according her because we were hurt in the past by a whamen. It's the old who hurt you question? If all you've ever had are bad experiences with women maybe it's the women and not you. Jordan Peterson of course will say that it is you. Once I was red pilled I looked back on my life and saw all of the bad things and my cognitive bias was activated so the wingmam is right about that. But what she's missing is that that for men love hides the truth and all of the red flags that are there. It's only once were single to we start to see rationally again. I can see clearly now the period blood rain is gone. Wingmam uses that old tired argument that not all women are like that to convince us to cozy up to a cooch. But from my experience all women will use you as an emotional tampon. Be they your neighbour, business client, lover or friend. I am of course referring to the friendzone. Wingmam says that yes divorce is bad for men but that it's time for us men to stop being bitter and start getting better? For us to be hopeful and optimistic. To go back to swimming in the shark infested waters again. With her as your wingmam you're going to crash and won't be able to walk away from that wreck. Her business is all about giving men advice on how to attract and keep a woman. She's a female pickup and relationship coach and if men go their own way it eats into her business. She's just doing damage control to convince men to not give up on whamen. As with any business show me an incentive and I'll show you an outcome. Her incentive is to attract clients to sell services to and grow her slowly shrinking YouTube page. The outcome is making a video that goes against men going their own way. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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