Made in Abyss a Story of a Great Explorer - Revocation & Invocation

2 years ago

A story, a revocation, an invocation.

"Made in Abyss a Story of a Great Explorer

Deeper and deeper and deeper we climb in the Abyss. The great unknown darkness. Against all odds and all rationality, we are drawn by an unshakable yearning. It draws us forth through the undefiable darkness by silver and golden threads.

The deeper we go. The further we travel, the more we are “away”, the more “closer” we inevitably feel. It is our destiny calling. Knocking on our inner Spirits door to create what has never been created, and to see what has never been seen. We are melding together thoughts and senses into brand new expressions and future languages for those who wish to come and to explore in the future.

We the explorers are not weighted down by sadness and despair, or the hauntings of Earthly affairs. Great dramas of epic proportion played out in the hearts of the individual and on the world's stage. We waver through this chaos with a divine order. We are never ungrounded, yet we know how to fly. We do fly. That is our unified expression of conquerors of the Self. Who moment by moment, and experience by experience, align the ancestral connections within us.

We acknowledge our self and our accomplishments as an unbroken chain. And herein this linking of expressions and unique perceptions lies my resonant frequency of Self. As the apex pinnacle of my own order of expressions. Dreaming the me of the Now, the driver of my own Heart, Desires and Destiny. With wild eyed wonder, I continue to create worlds that I wish to live in tomorrow. Knowing that, we are Made in the Abyss."

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