The Fall #101

2 years ago

There you have it!
On Page 1, in black and white !
No denying it - No!!

There you have it again !
Re-emphazised, in greater clarity in crisp fine detail on Page 2 !
No denying it - No!

Finally, you have the eye-witness account of
the malicious lies, diabolical theft, and cold blooded murder of
the human race - Yes !

Read it for yourself.
Genesis 1, 2 and 3 !
Let him or her who has ears, let them hear !!

Learn today the details, backdrop, arc and finis of TheTruth be told.
Many wish to decry it; many demand it canceled. In fact, The Truth has been under insiduous attack since
Day 1. Jesus said, "Heaven and eatrh shall pass away; BUT my words shall never pass away"

Understand today, and embrace your decision which god or God, you and your family are serving...
and ALL the consequences, now and forevermore.

The Pencil of God,

Archbishop of Jerusalem

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