Regenerative Farming Basics 1-2-3 | Macadamia and Citrus Trees | How To! D.I.Y in 4D

2 years ago

Regenerative Farming Basics 1-2-3 | Macadamia and Citrus Trees | How To! D.I.Y in 4D

In this clip, setting ourselves up for SUCCESS for winter RAINS

1) Already had September harvest (70 Macadamia trees / 20 Citrus)- cut back lightly, and NOW REPLENISH with Fish Emulsion 5-1-1 and NEW fresh Top Soil.

2) BUILD the Berms with DG (decomposed Granite) and Soil outside the root network.

3) Re-Direct water / Rain run-off (Channeling) it into our BERMS and test out the HARD work so that everything has been compacted down, keep building up until you have run a 1/2 dozen tests on each tree. This will ensure LESS run off during winter HARD storms and EXPECT a BIGGER harvest.

ORDER Fish Emulsion:
Liquinox 7128 Fish Emulsion 5-1-1 Fertilizer, 1-Gallon

It is 10-16 oz per 5 gallon bucket...LEG day for us....Get some

We have a GREAT sloped area for drainage BUT this must be maintained.

HOPE this helped you and get back out there.

by @DIYin4D
by @workinK9pups


Motto: Know before you GO and if you DON'T Know you will PAY to Know

D.I.Y in 4D is always trying to improve and looking for the unseen is hopefully
going to save you TIME, the most precious resource and in the end
money and material resources.

HOPE this helped, take care, be safe and Blessing & PEACE

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