The „Kiss“ of Light and Shadow. From Darkness to Light to Matter. Creation through&of Consciousness

2 years ago

In this video from the art lecture series "LIGHT & SHADOW – Art that transcends duality" I discuss a series of my art works that revolve around the process of creation.
Going from darkness, into light and eventually into matter and the anthropomorphic (human like) shape, it addresses the question of what consciousness, aliveness are and also points to the controversy between organic humans and technologies, like mechanical machines or ai and cyborgs.

Thank you for watching, please follow my channel to not miss any future videos and share this series with anyone who needs an inspiration in a dark hour!

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On the video series LIGHT & SHADOW - Art that transcends duality“

In this series I present you a selection of my art works that you can use as "metaphysical tools" to open up, explore, expand and transcend the concept of duality of light and dark (within yourself), in order to inspire and empower your life and to know thyself.
On the northern hemisphere we are entering the dark and cold time of the year. Darkness is omnipresent, both in nature and in our society, and it invites us to face it, to go inwards, explore it and understand its power both for the good and for the bad, as there is no darkness without light!

It is through my art works, that I myself embarked on the journey of transcendence, and explored the dance and fight, the creative and destructive power of light and darkness. And in this series I will share with you an inspiring selection of art works that address this challenging topic of duality and the dynamics of light and shadow and how YOU can transcend them, in order to tap into your creative power, that is the result of the dance between your inner light and darkness.



Find out more on my art as a metaphysical tool for self discovery in my MANIFESTO for a NEW ART entitled BEARTHUMANITY: BEARTHUMANITY – Manifesto for a NEW ART by ANEMONA CRISAN

THANK YOU for your support!
Thank you very much for the interest in my works and projects and this channel! I appreciate your support in any way that is possible for you: via sharing, following, donating. The latter is now possible via Paypal:

Copyright: Video by Anemona Crisan, 2022.
Copyright free Music: by CO.AG Music:

00:00 Introduction
00:15 Art Work: "Kiss", ink on canvas
01:41 Where is the Kiss in this painting?
02:43 The process of light emerging from darkness
03:07 Light turning into Form
04:07 What is happening between the two?
05:44 Reference to organic beings as well also technolocigal
07:53 Painting: "Chained", ink on canvas, 2016
08:47 Painting: "Split", ink on canvas, 2016
09:38 Painting: "Breaking off", ink on canvas, 2016
10:23 Connection between us humans, the macro and the micro cosm
10:58 Bearthumanity – Manifesto for a NEW ART
11:11 PAradigm shift and how art can serve our human evolution
13:30 Meditate on this work, ask yourself questions
13:41 Get in touch

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