Holy Trinity Miraculous Prayer - Urgent cases

2 years ago

Moment in Christ - Psalms and Powerful Prayers
Holy Trinity Miraculous Prayer - Urgent cases

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Hello, welcome to Momento em Cristo channel, my name is Elza, it's a pleasure to have you here, today we are going to share a Miraculous prayer of the Holy Trinity
Let's start with the Lord's Prayer. Good video .

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
Thy Kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive
to those who have offended us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Holy Trinity Miraculous Prayer - Urgent cases

Most Holy Trinity, God One and Triune,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our beginning and end,
prostrate before Thee I pay homage:

blessed and praised be the Holy Trinity!;
To You Holy Trinity all honor,
glory and praise for all eternity,
I believe in You with all my heart and want to be Your faithful devotee,
I…….come to You with complete confidence
to ask you to always see me free from evil
as well as all adversities and dangers,
and in my needs, I beg you, grant me your favor.

Heavenly Father, Jesus Good Shepherd, Holy Spirit,
I implore you for intercession and merit
of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
give me your help, guidance and protection
in all matters and concerns of my life. Glory to You God the Father, source of goodness and eternal wisdom,

life comes from you, love comes from you,
make every moment act with rectitude and prudence
enjoy the goods and consolations you send me;
remember that I am your son,
and pity my sufferings, my needs
and give me assistance in this difficult situation: (ask with great faith for what you want to achieve). Thank you merciful Father for being there. Glory to Thee God Son of the Heavenly Father

in whose Sacred Heart my soul finds refuge,
teach me to faithfully imitate your life and your virtues,
give me firmness and perseverance to fulfill your teachings
and make him do charity work more often,
do not abandon me in the daily struggles,
free me from the bonds that the enemy imposes on me,
take me away and protect me from all the adversities that disturb me
and grant me your miraculous help in this matter: (repeat the request with great hope). Thank you my good Jesus for being by my side

in moments of despair and anguish. Glory to you Holy Spirit, light that illuminates everything,

and that you are the joy, harmony and joy of creation,
always make him docile to your divine inspirations
give me peace, help me with my shortcomings and problems
and grant me your help so that I can achieve
what I need so much right now: (repeat confidently what you want to get). Thank you Divine Spirit of Love for helping me

when everything is dark and I need Light.

My Mother and Queen, Lady of Heaven
You who are so close to the Holy Trinity
pray for me and my current problems and shortcomings,
be you my lawyer and means for my claim to be answered,
make me get the miracle I need so much in my life. Thank you, my beloved Mother, Blessed Virgin Mary,

for being so understanding and always meeting our demands. Divine Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

grant me your clemency, grant me your kindness
and give me prompt solution in my sorrows and anxieties.

Father Son and Holy Spirit,
Most Holy and August Trinity,
I love you, I adore you and I give you my being.

O Trinity of Love, God of Compassion,
I abandon myself to your Divine Will,
Well your timings are perfect
and only you know what's best for me,

Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit,
Glory to the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity,
As it was in the beginning, now and forever,

So be it .

Pray the Creed, Hail Mary and Glory.
Do the prayer and prayers three consecutive days,
nine if the request is very, very difficult and urgent.

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