Emotional Eating: 3 Ways To Reduce Stress Eating Habits [Eat right not emotionally]

1 year ago

Emotional Eating: 3 Ways To Reduce Stress Eating Habits - Eat right not emotionally
Uncover and Overcome Emotional Eating:

What causes someone to eat because of their emotions.

Emotional eating is when a person uses food as a way to cope with or ignore unpleasant feelings or difficult emotions
Emotional eating is when someone eats in response to their emotions, rather than physiological hunger.
It can be caused by various factors, including stress, boredom, anger, sadness, or other emotional triggers. Unhealthy habits surrounding food can also contribute to emotional eating.

Get a better understanding of Hunger: Emotional hunger vs. physical hunger

Emotional hunger is a craving for comfort, love, or companionship, rather than an actual physical need for food.
Physical hunger is an actual physical feeling of needing nourishment to give your body the energy it needs to function properly.

How to stop emotional eating

To stop emotional eating, it is important to identify your triggers and address the underlying emotional issues. You can do this by practicing mindful eating, engaging in activities that make you feel good, recognizing distorted thinking patterns, seeking support from other people, and seeking professional help if needed.

Take control of your cravings [emotional eating tips]
One of the best ways to take control of your cravings is to practice mindful eating. This involves slowing down and being aware of why and how you are eating—identifying emotional and physical triggers, being mindful of portion sizes, savoring every bite, accepting fullness signals, and delaying a response to cravings.

Moving your body can be a powerful way to manage stress and anxiety
Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce stress hormones, increase endorphins, boost mood, and even improve sleep quality.

Capturing the power of meal planning
Meal planning helps you save time and money, optimize nutrition and reduce food waste. It allows you to create healthy, balanced meals that you can prepare ahead of time, ensuring all your nutritional needs are met in an efficient and sustainable way.

Resources & Links:

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