Vedic Empire Presents-WAVES 2000 - "Contemporary Views on Indian Civilization"

2 years ago

This episode of 'Vedic Empire Presents' takes the viewer into the Scholarly world of the annual WAVES conferences. WAVES the World Association of Vedic Studies, a multidisciplinary academic society founded in 1996 in Atlanta, GA USA has grown into an International Organization with regular Conferences held in various locations around the world.

In the year 2000 a WAVES conference took place in Hoboken, NJ at Stevens Technical Institute. Attended by Scholars, Authors, Academics, Community Leaders and other luminaries it was a historic gathering. Attendees participated from around the world and many groundbreaking studies were shared and appreciated by all involved.

Among others this documentary features a rare public presentation by Bhakti Ananda Goswami aka David Sherman, the world's leading scholar and expert on the history of religion and the cross-cultural expressions and practices of the ancient world's faith traditions. In his well-received dynamic presentation he highlighted the undeniable links between the Vedic Vaishnava Hari and Radha-Krishna tradition and the Ancient Mediterranean world's Helios and Kouros-Kore Worship traditions.

Raghu Guiffre, the world's leading expert and author on the modern application of the Vedic Varnashram based economic model highlighted the value and foundational role of positive action upon society. Raghu Guiffre's research provides an alternate template for the restructuring of our entire economic system. Sound economic policy and prosperity is attainable when it is based upon the natural social equity that is inherent in the Vedic and Indigenous social systems.

Vedic Empire Productions founder Vrndavan Brannon Parker gave a well received presentation on the evidence confirming the Vedic nature of Greek society at the time of Alexander the Great and the Vedic foundations of Egyptian Atenism, the ancient Religion of Akhnaten, the father of King Tutankhamun.

Topic such as the Laws of Manu, Varna vs the Caste system, Deity worship vs Idolatry, Vedic views on the Jewish Holocaust, the True meaning of Aryan, the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh and elsewhere and the future of modern India were all addressed.

Anyone interested in these topics and in WAVES or any other such Vedic conferences is invited to watch WAVES 2000 - "International Conference on Contemporary Views on Indian Civilization".

WAVES is a non-religious society with no ideology. It is open for membership and for participation to all persons irrespective of their color, creed, ethnicity, country of origin or any other kind of persuasion.

It is universally acknowledged that Vedas are among the oldest existing records of human thoughts. Vedic traditions have continued without interruption for many millennium of years and remain a living and formative source of Hindu culture and tradition. Today Vedic traditions are not confined to Indian subcontinent but have spread virtually to all parts of the globe, through persons of Indian origin and through scholars and admirers of these traditions. For several centuries Vedic people in India made significant contributions in various academic fields in science, literature, culture, technology, etc. The historical records of the Greeks, the Romans, and the Islamic authors as well as the accounts of the early European explorers confirm that India was one of the wealthiest and most technologically advanced nations of the world. She attracted people from different parts of the world - some for search of knowledge others for goods and trade.

For most of the world these contributions are often unknown, unrecognized, and sometimes rather distorted. There is a need, particularly among scholars to work for the proper understanding and appreciation of such religious, cultural and other contributions. In fact there are various notions and views current about Vedic traditions, Vedic people and their contributions. Moreover, the debates about these various notions are not confined to the academic sphere, but also have other serious repercussions. There is thus great need for a forum in which varying, often diametrically opposed notions and views can be discussed and deliberated in an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance.

WAVES is an organization of academics, and of those interested in academics, in all different areas of Indian/Vedic studies in past, present and future.

Special thanks to Nilamani Kalia Robinson for his Editing Work in this production. x

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