RPR #6 | Is it True that Men Date Down?

2 years ago

In today's episode of Red Pill Rescue, we discuss the phenomenon of men who date below their own league. Is it in a man's instincts to "date down"? Or is this just the result of being hurt by women in his own league so now he wants to play it safe to not get hurt again? We'll be reacting to videos, posts, and more!


Jenny White
- https://www.lovepilled.com/
- IG @takethelovepill - https://www.instagram.com/takethelove...

- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCksU...
- IG @wann_a_lana - https://www.instagram.com/wann_a_lana/

All inquiries @ contactredpillrescue@gmail.com

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