TMH 024 : Pete Peterson & David Wilcock Gofundme investigation.

2 years ago

TMH 024 : Pete Peterson & David Wilcock Gofundme investigation.

Legacy content. Republished. Still very relevant given the recent
revelations about the cosmic con shuffle. This is one classic example of a fake story coming crashing down and the originators of that story doing the "Cosmic con shuffle".

David Wilcock has never had to answer for this total scam.
He should have to answer questions about this but he won't
agree to be interviewed by me. Funny that.

Any clips used here were used in the spirit of fair use. I will defend my
legal rights as necessary in order to release this work and make it public.

I used all means at my disposal to educate the public about this scam.
This was a scam. I stand by my original reporting on this when most others in the UFO community were encouraging people to donate
to this scam.

Truthseekers, The midnight hour and all content provided here is produced by Spectral International, LLC.

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