Chapter 12 Uncut: Judge, Jury and Jank | NIKKE: Goddess of Victory |

2 years ago

What is best? What is worst? Who knows? I do this blind. After all, I am Just Some Beard.
Chapter 12 uncut, unedited and full Diesel, because screw reloading.
This lovely trek brings with it some unsightly loading screen hang ups, forcing me to quit and reboot the game several times. Enjoy watching the login process every 5 minutes through the middle of the video. Why is it there? Because I do not have the time to edit it out. Such is my lot in life.

Then, there was a complete BS area defense fight that encouraged me to change out my heavy hitters with some newly acquired hero power. How new? New enough that she was not properly trained up yet.

Lastly, to round things out, I also had to deal with IRL drama that thankfully did not invade into the recording, thanks to having no mic to record it.
The real downside to forced landscape mode is that cursed vignette. The games' UI elements are hooked to the edges of the phone screen, so the sides tend to go outside of the black framing from the vignette. This causes the intercom frames to rest just outside of the viewable area.

At least the main conversion focus and cutscenes are still centered.

Not having enough time to do anything in life is a pain. At least I have best doggo, Bolt.

My NIKKE squad;
Liter - lvl 140
Rapunzel - lvl 140
Diesel - lvl 140
Privaty - lvl 140 -- Modernia
Helm - lvl 140 -- Laplace

Please let me know if everything in the video is working satisfactorily. Audio, video, etc.

At this time I do not have a recording mic, nor do I plan on doing these campaign runs with commentary.

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