TRUMP QUICK TRIALS (Full Video) (Summary Executions)

2 years ago

Did trump just say (2022 speech) that some people are too dangerous to be allowed to have a real constitutional trial and after designation by the government need to be arrested and executed within 24 hours?

When liberals find anything inconvenient That contradicts their central authority news mouthpieces, They say that it’s not real and that they can’t possibly be different from their news narrative.

But when conservatives find any information or observe any event, that is not perfect on the part of Trump, they do the same thing. You’re in a state of mass formation and cognitive dissonance and mass formation hypnosis/psychosis the same as Libs.

The one voice, the Libs are listening to hypnotized is the news. The one voice conservatives are listening to hypnotically is Trump and the “thought leaders.”

Any facts and information that contradict the idea that these are perfect and truly good, is met with violence, anger, and an immediate closure of the conversation to run away from the scary disruptive facts which cause a fight or flight reaction.

The new normal is that we will continue MAGA with a new and better candidates CHOSEN BY GOD, Jesus.

Trump was chosen by God (Jesus) but he turned away from God after 2018’s Trump Chrislam speech in Saudi Arabia.

God will pick someone even better than Trump in the future, Just like he brought a king David AFTER he brought a king Saul. King Saul was good, but King David came after, and was even better. Trump was good, but whoever comes next will be even better.

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