Vedic Empire Confirmed - A Journey into Ancient Indian Civilization Pt 2

1 year ago

This episode of Vedic Empire features Vrndavan Brannon Parker's first Public presentation on Vedic History.

'Vedic Empire Presents' a documentary/synopsis on the world's first International Vedic Academic conference. The 'International Conference on Indus Sarasvati Age and Ancient India', that was held in Atlanta (Georgia, USA), October 4-6, 1996 with over 300 participants from all over the world - U.S.A., India, Nepal, Caribbean, Belgium, U. K., Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Mauritius, Mexico, Austria, and Surinam, including Former Director General Archaeological Survey of India Dr B.B Lal, Vrndavan Parker, Subhash C. Kak, Ph.D, Dr David Frawley and others.

It was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, Mr. Basdeo Panday, and participants included leading archaeologists, historians, philosophers, political-scientists, linguists, religionists, Sanskritists, Vedic-scholars, scientists, engineers and persons of medicine.

The participants, being greatly impressed by the quality of presentations and organization, in the concluding session, decided to form an academic organization to hold similar conferences and to build other academic activities for Vedic studies.WAVES the World Association of Vedic Studies, a multidisciplinary academic society founded in 1996 in Atlanta, GA USA has grown into an International Organization with regular Conferences held in various locations around the world.

Note: This video was made from footage gathered from various private sources. Rather than entertainment value, the value of these and other Vedic Empire Documentaries is in the rare and uncommon knowledge provided. These shows were also made without any budget and are presented as a service to the preservation and establishment of the truth.

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