Muscle Palpation - Internal Abdominal Oblique

2 years ago

Muscle Palpation - Internal Abdominal Oblique

This is a detailed, step by step, description on how to palpate Internal Abdominal Oblique muscle by Keith Bootsma, RMT.

1- Lateral 2/3 of Inguinal Ligament
2- Anterior 2/3 of Iliac Crest
3- Thoracolumbar Fascia

1- Linea Alba
2- Lower 3 Ribs

1- Flexion of the Trunk @ the Spinal Joints
2- Lateral Flexion of the Trunk @ the Spinal Joints
3- Ipsi-Lateral Rotation of the Trunk @ the Spinal Joints
4- Posterior Tilt of the Pelvis @ the Lumbo-Sacral Joint
5- Compresses the Abdominal Contents

Intercostal Nerves (T7 – T12) & L1

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