Star Ocean: The Divine Force - Nihlbeth Ancient Coil (Part 18) [PS5]

2 years ago

Exploring the Nihlbeth Ancient Coil.

00:00 - Intro
00:55 - Buying & Equipping New Gear
08:02 - Nihlbeth Ancient Coil
16:51 - Nihlbeth
23:45 - Nihlbeth Ancient Coil
25:36 - Boss Fight: Gaston
28:30 - Nihlbeth Ancient Coil
33:49 - Nihlbeth
38:02 - Nihlbeth Ancient Coil
43:29 - Nihlbeth Ancient Coil Dungeon
1:04:21 - Boss Fight (Thanatos of the Ruins)
1:09:10 - Finding Levitas Ore Deposit
1:11:14 - Nihlbeth Ancient Coil Dungeon
1:16:38 - Nihlbeth Ancient Coil
1:18:22 - Boss Fight (Canus)

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