The 'BLOODS' vs. The 'CRIPS' Documentary: A Gang War Made In 'America'

2 years ago

The 'Bloods' vs. The 'Crips' Documentary: A Gang War Made In 'America'

January. 1, 2023 America's Gangs

The Ongoing War Of The Crips and Bloods | Made In America | Gang Documentary

Dec. 1, 2023 News

The Bloods are primarily African American, while the Crips are primarily African American and Hispanic. The Bloods were originally founded to protect African American neighborhoods from the Crips. The Crips were founded to protect Hispanic neighborhoods from the Bloods. The two gangs have been in a rivalry ever since.

What's the difference between the gangs Bloods and Crips?

What is the difference between the Bloods and the Crips?
Why do Bloods fight Crips?
Can Crips and Bloods be friends?
Who came first Crip or Blood?


They have a long and bitter rivalry with the Bloods. Some self-identified Crips have been convicted of federal racketeering.
Notable members: Orlando Anderson; Tiequon Cox; Duane Davis; Sanyika Shakur; ...
Founded: 1969; 53 years ago
Rivals: Aryan Brotherhood; Bloods; Florencia 13; Latin Kings; People Nation; Playbo...
Years active: 1969–present
Crips and Bloods: Made in...

List of Crips subgroups
East Nashville Crips
Grape Street Watts Crips
Rollin' 30s Harlem Crips › wiki

Bloods - The Bloods are a primarily African-American street gang founded in Los Angeles, California. The gang is widely ...
Founded: 1972; 50 years ago
Rivals: Aryan Brotherhood; Asian Boyz; Crips; Florencia 13; Folk Nation; Gangster D...

Gangs 101
Bloods vs. Crips: Key Differences,

The Bloods were founded by two people, while the Crips were created by small-size street gangs banding together. The Bloods were established to have more power ...

The Bloods are a primarily African-American street gang founded in Los Angeles, California. The gang is widely known for its rivalry with the Crips. It is identified by the red color worn by its members and by particular gang symbols, including distinctive hand signs. Wikipedia
Founder: Pirus
Founded: 1972, Los Angeles, California, United States
Territory: 33 U.S. states and Canada
Activities: Drug trafficking, murder, assault, auto theft, burglary, extortion, fraud and robbery
Ethnicity: Predominately African American; but there is also some Latino and Asian presence
Subsidiaries: Pirus, Sex Money Murda, Black P. Stones, Double II Set, Mamak Gang
Famous members

Do the Bloods still exist?
Why are they called the Bloods?
What do the Bloods do?
What did the Bloods stand for?

Wikipedia The Bloods Gang

Bloods - The Bloods are a primarily African-American street gang founded in Los Angeles, California. The gang is widely ...
Rivals: Aryan Brotherhood; Asian Boyz; Crips; Florencia 13; Folk Nation; Gangster D...
Years active: 1972–present
Crips and Bloods: Made in...

Bounty Hunter Watts Bloods
Asian Boyz
Juggalo gangs
Gang signal

Encyclopedia Britannica
Bloods | History & Membership
Bloods, street gang based in Los Angeles that is involved in drugs, theft, and murder, among other criminal activities. They are a predominately African American Gang ...

Crime, Culture, Gang Wars, American gangs, Gang Culture, Black Culture, Mexican Gang Culture, The Bloods members, The bloods gang, bloods gang origin, 90s bloods, bloods order of draw, bloods rivals, bloods jane horrocks, notable bloods, head of the bloods, Videos of crips vs bloods, Who are the Bloods, Who are the Crips, Distinctions Between the tho gangs, gang colors, gang neighborhoods, gang tattoos, The Crips, The Bloods, LA Gangs, Gangland, Gangs, Gangsters, Mexican Mafia, Drug Cartels, The Mexican Border, The American Border, Gang Violence, Gang documentary, true crime, crime, criminals, los Angeles, east la gangs, Compton Gangs, long beach gangs, south side gangs, Differences Between the Crips and bloods, crips vs bloods rappers, bloods vs crips, crips vs bloods shootout, bloods vs crips real life bloods and crips photos, crips or bloods stronger, bloods vs crips history, bloods and crips ceasefire, Bounty Hunter Watts Bloods, Asian Boyz, Juggalo gangs, Pirus, Gang signs, Sex Money Murda, Black P. Stones, Double II Set, Mamak Gang, Crips Crip gang, Blood Gang, East Nashville Crips, Grape Street Watts Crips, Rollin' 30s Harlem Crips, convicted, federal racketeering, Gang members, Orlando Anderson, Tiequon Cox, Duane Davis, Sanyika Shakur, African American Gangs, Latino Gangs, Asian Gangs, street gangs, Aryan Brotherhood; Bloods; Florencia, Latin Kings, People Nation, Ongoing War, The Crips and Bloods, Made In America, Gang Documentary,

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