The Cost of Indecision - THC 258

2 years ago

In this video I want to talk to you about the cost indecision and give some tips to prevent it from happening!

Think back to a time when Facebook’s initial public offering of stock was $45 a share.

You might have thought that would cost way too much for one single share, so you didn’t buy it. Or couldn’t decide if Facebook would be around long enough to see the growth it would experience.

Well, that stock is worth $200.42 as of the date of this podcast. You would’ve quadrupled your money had you made the decision to buy the stock.

Indecision costs us in many other ways in our lives:

Not showing up as the best spouse you can be can lead to divorce

Ignoring and neglecting your children emotionally can create a divide so big, it creates a strain on your relationship

Being indecisive about a really good job opportunity or business opportunity that passes you by because you couldn’t make a decision.

There are consequences and costs to making a decision, but usually the cost is much greater when you can’t decide.

Think about the times in your life where you’ve been indecisive and lost.

Remember how it felt when you overthought an opportunity only to pass on it and later find out that it would’ve set you up for life had you made a commitment and a decision.

Remember, opportunity doesn’t go away….it just goes to someone else.

Know what you want.

Be quick.

Be decisive.

Action always gets rewarded.

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Don’t be indecisive. Seats are going QUICK on this 3-day power house event!



This planet is based on an algorithm and with every positive action, there is an adverse reaction.

Ryan Stewman rose and overcame a life of addiction, imprisonment, divorce, and circumstances that would break the spirit of the average human being.

He went on to create a powerful network of winners and champions in life and business creating a movement quickly changing lives one day at a time.

#RyanStewman #Indecision

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