Gate 38 - The Fighter/Gate of Opposition

1 year ago

What is worth FIGHTING for?

Have you ever asked yourself this question?

This week sun transit is Gate 38, Opposition - The Fighter ⚔️

Official Gate Name: The Fighter
Keywords: Empowerment, Warrior, Discerning, Opposition, Struggle, Higher Values
Human Design Definition: The ability to preserve individual integrity through opposition to detrimental forces.
Spirit Animal: The Badger
Core Theme: Pressure to make things better.
Bodygraph Center: Root center connects to gate 28 in the Splenic center creating the Channel of Struggle.
Tropical Sign: Capricorn - Cardinal Earth

In Gate 38, the highest expression of this is the energy to FIGHT for what is right. You fight for your purpose in life AND help others fight for their purpose. For those who cannot fight or stand up for themselves, You fight for them. This gate can be stubborn at times. Doing things their own way but answering the question, "What is worth fighting for?". As a result, they find their own deeper meaning in life.

The lower aspect of this gate can result in you fighting just for the sake of it. You can get caught in the trap of believing that you have to fight for everything in life and therefore end up struggling. As a result, you can lack ease in life which could lead to destructive behavior and suicidal tendencies.

Ask yourself these questions:

What is worth FIGHTING for? Are you prepared to FIGHT for YOU and your loved ones? When is the right time to put up a FIGHT? When is it wrong to FIGHT? How can we tell the difference?

Stay tuned for how Gate 38 is expressed through the animal totem, Badger.

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