The Narrative 2023 ep.1 I bought a Jackson Bass Guitar for Christmas.

2 years ago

First vid of 2023.
I got myself a Jackson Bass Guitar that I wanted 30yrs ago when I couldn't afford it as a $6.50 an hour factory worker at 19yrs old back in 1991/2?
I will continue making these 5-12mins vids at least once a week when I ahve time as I am always busy creating comics, writing, designing, convention work etc.

Please check out we are doing a drive to raise funds for our community volunteer run pop culture convention promoting art and literature.

About Maphunkson:
Artist, Comic Book Creator, Writer, Pop Culture Convention Director
I also run my own comic book studio, Plunge Studios NZ, here in beautiful Whangarei, New Zealand with a couple close friends.

Keep both eyes out for our upcoming comic books.

All round nutcase here's where you can find me...

Article 19 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

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