My Surprise Virus Exposure

2 years ago

7/21/22 - So when you end up going into the grocery store and come into contact with another individual who has been exposed to the famous virus that shut down the world, what do you do? Well, I for one, didn't freak out and let the fear of "what could happen" overwhelm me (as I had dealt with it prior in December 2020 - January 2021) so I wasn't worried about getting sick as I already had the antibodies in my system and immune system to fight off any extra exposures I would come into contact with going forward. This is how we should "react" - with our hearts (love) verses heads (ego/fear) - and have no concerns about "what might happen", because you are never in complete control of your life - Source/Universe/God is - and you have written your experiences into your life both good, bad, & the ugly. They are all for your continued growth of your spirit and soul, so you can understand all sides of situations in life. Don't let the fears of the unknown, pain, loneliness, death, control your life - it will only diminish your experiences that you are here to learn, and limit your chances at a full universal soul growth. This is my personal opinion and advice. Take with it what resonates, and leave the rest. Just food for thought. Have a great day. Sending you all love, light, & many blessings. Namaste!

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