Car fires "tradition" in France: About 700 cars burned on New Year's Eve, 490 people detained

1 year ago

1. On New Year's Eve in France, the police detained 490 people, and 690 cars were burned during the riots, the French Interior Ministry said.

"2022 is thus becoming the year in which the smallest number of cars were burned and the largest number of arrests were made on New Year's Eve," Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin tweeted.

On the streets of the country on a festive night, 90 thousand policemen and gendarmes were on duty. Among them, too, there are victims, said Darmanen.

Last New Year's Eve, 441 people were detained on the French streets and 874 cars were burned.
*1b. Le ministre de l'Intérieur s'est réjoui ce 1er janvier des bons chiffres de la nuit de la Saint-Sylvestre.*

Il n'y a eu aucun "incident notable" en France, a annoncé ce dimanche 1er janvier Gérald Darmanin. Selon le ministre de l'Intérieur, qui s'exprimait depuis Mayotte où il est en visite, Il y a eu 21% de voitures brûlées de moins lors de la nuit du Nouvel An 2023 (690) par rapport à l'année précédente (874).
*2. Urban violence shook several cities in Nantes during New Year's Eve, from Saturday December 31 to Sunday January 1.*

The two most affected neighborhoods are the Sillon de Bretagne and Malakoff. In total around thirty vehicles were set on fire.

The police were targeted by fireworks mortars and even throwing Molotov cocktails at the mobile gendarmes in Malakoff.

This Sunday morning, the police inform that 15 people were arrested in the context of this urban violence and are currently in custody.
#carfire #traditional #tradition #france #violenceprevention #voitures #festivities #newyear2023 #newyearseve #gendarmerie

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