Current Events | Israel PM's Despicable Reaction to UN Vote on Palestine Occupation | #shorts #news

2 years ago

Current Events | "Israel PM's Despicable Reaction to UN Vote on Palestine Occupation" | #shorts #news

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday condemned a UN General Assembly vote asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to opine on Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories, calling the move "despicable". "The Jewish people are not occupiers on their own land nor occupiers in our eternal capital Jerusalem and no UN resolution can warp that historical truth," he said.

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#IsraeliPM #BenjaminNetanyahu #UNGA #InternationalCourtOfJustice #ICJ #Israel #Occupation #PalestinianTerritories #JewishPeople #Occupiers #EternalCapital #Jerusalem #UNResolution #HistoricalTruth #newslive

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